features of Shopify plus

Top Features of Shopify Plus: What You Need to Know

Shopify Plus is a very effective eCommerce platform for managing an online store. Some businesses hesitate to use Shopify because it isn’t open-source, unlike WooCommerce or Magento. However, supporters of Shopify argue that no other platform offers what Shopify Plus does.  When looking at the features of Shopify Plus, it’s clear that it provides tools and options that help streamline large-scale business operations, making it a top choice for many. This makes it an attractive option for businesses aiming to expand and manage their online presence efficiently.

Here, we’ll explore and break down the ten top features of Shopify Plus. We’ll look at the strongest reasons for choosing Shopify Plus and find out the best time for a company to switch its online store to this platform. If you’re considering using Shopify Plus for your business, this article is definitely for you.

What is Shopify Plus?

Shopify Plus is a top-tier eCommerce platform for brands and merchants ready to grow significantly. This fully hosted platform equips your large-scale business with sophisticated online selling tools. Shopify offers various plans tailored to different eCommerce needs, including Shopify Plus features that cater to larger businesses.

Start your Shopify journey with a discount and take advantage of these powerful tools to boost your online store’s success:

Shopify Starter Plan

Shopify Lite Plan

Basic Shopify Plan

Shopify Plan

Advanced Shopify Plan

Shopify Plus

Shopify Plus is the premium choice for businesses with a high sales volume. If your online store makes over $60,000 in sales each month, you’ll benefit from the advanced features of Shopify Plus.

Using a less advanced eCommerce platform might seem okay, but you’d miss out on many chances to increase your store’s reach, sales, and conversions. To truly leverage these benefits, it’s crucial to understand the unique features of Shopify Plus.

top Shopify features

Overview of Shopify Plus Products

Shopify Plus is flexible, incredibly fast, and customizable. Typically, you can set up your big business’s Shopify store in just 90 days, compared to a year with traditional software.

You also get expert help from Shopify’s team to onboard and move your store. Plus, there’s ongoing support from eCommerce specialists to help you meet your business goals.

Shopify Plus offers unlimited bandwidth and web hosting at no extra charge. With the Plus plan, your online store is set up for success with 99.99% uptime, a global delivery network, cloud infrastructure, and more.

And these are just a few of the features and benefits of Shopify Plus. Below, we’ll go into more detail about the various features and capabilities of the Shopify Plus platform that make it a great choice for your large-scale business.

Detailed Overview of Shopify Plus Features

A business owner mainly focuses on advanced technologies in an eCommerce platform if they boost sales or enhance the customer experience. That’s why we’ll skip the less interesting details and highlight the top 10 features of Shopify Plus and how they can benefit your large business.

By understanding these features, you can see how Shopify Plus makes it easier to manage your online store, streamline operations, and provide a better shopping experience for your customers.

➀ Selling Globally with Multiple Online Stores

In today’s world, where machine learning and AI are common, going global is essential. Selling to international customers isn’t just an option; it’s necessary. Shopify Plus stands out as one of the best eCommerce platforms for reaching a worldwide audience. One of the key features of Shopify Plus is its ability to let you add up to nine extra stores for your business.

This feature allows you to create versions of your original Shopify store that are tailored to different countries or target audiences. This means you can offer a customized shopping experience to customers around the globe with Shopify Plus.

You can use specific country domains like .com, .uk, .in, etc., for your additional stores, and incorporate multiple currencies and languages. This adaptability is a major part of the Shopify Plus B2B features, making it a powerful tool for global commerce.

➁ B2B Ready and Equipped

Businesses often want the flexibility to sell their products both online and through local retailers. This approach is a key strategy to leverage omnichannel capabilities in the retail sector. Shopify Plus makes this diversification much easier for B2B companies, thanks to its robust B2B features.

With the B2B feature of Shopify Plus, you can set up a separate, password-protected online store just for B2B or wholesale buyers. But that’s not all. You can offer these buyers custom bulk pricing and specific shipping options.

Additionally, you can show products only available to wholesale customers and easily handle B2B invoicing. These Shopify Plus features make it a standout choice for enhancing your B2B operations.

➂ Save Money on Transactional Fees

Businesses constantly search for ways to reduce expenses. Unfortunately, in the retail sector, there isn’t much room to drastically alter profit margins. Other Shopify plans, like Advanced Shopify, impose a 0.5% fee on every sale in your online store.

For companies with many transactions, this fee can significantly dent profitability and overall income. However, a major advantage of Shopify Plus is its much lower transaction fee—only 0.15%. For a large business, this small change can make a big difference, potentially boosting both revenue and profits considerably.

This cost-saving feature of Shopify Plus makes it an appealing choice for large businesses focused on optimizing their financial performance.

➃ Boost Your Multichannel Selling Skills

Omnichannel selling is a highly effective yet complex strategy for online businesses. To successfully implement this approach on a basic Shopify platform, you might need specialized help from experts like Grow with Shopify.

Retail companies can offer their products through ten different integrations and social channels using a Shopify Plus store. This platform enables you to reach audiences in 175 countries and connect with over 6000 mobile apps or partners.

By doing so, it becomes simpler to take advantage of influencer marketing, user-generated content, and other modern marketing strategies.

In simpler terms, using Shopify Plus means you can easily sell your products in many different ways, not just on your website. You can connect with people all over the world, use popular apps, and work with influencers to get the word out about what you’re selling. This kind of selling strategy helps you meet customers where they are, making it more likely they’ll buy from you.

➄ Strong and Quick Online Store

One of the main reasons online store owners switch to Shopify Plus is because their current website struggles with too much traffic. This usually happens in two scenarios: either the website becomes very popular and regularly experiences high traffic, or there is a special sale that brings a sudden rush of visitors.

Furthermore, not all online platforms can handle a large number of transactions as smoothly as Shopify Plus. The Plus plan is specially designed for managing campaigns that attract a lot of visitors. With its unlimited bandwidth and transactions, your website can easily cope with both sudden rushes and steady traffic increases.

To put it simply, Shopify Plus helps your online store stay smooth and responsive, no matter how many visitors it gets. Whether you’re running a big sale or just becoming more popular, Shopify Plus ensures that your site remains fast and reliable, giving your customers a better shopping experience. This can be crucial in keeping your customers happy and encouraging them to return.

➅ Create Unlimited Staff Accounts

As your business grows, you’ll need more staff to handle different tasks. This is true for eCommerce businesses too, as even online stores need people to manage various parts of their operations.

With the robust Shopify Plus platform, your online business can create unlimited staff accounts. This allows more than one person to access the admin dashboard.

As the owner of a Shopify Plus store, you can add several staff members to the admin dashboard. This lets you and your team handle important tasks like managing sales promotions, updating product pages, and approving customer reviews right from the dashboard.

In simple terms, using Shopify Plus helps you involve more team members in running your online store smoothly. This way, you can keep everything from product updates to customer interactions well-managed, making your business more efficient and responsive to customer needs.

➆ Support for Advanced Custom Automation

Automation is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity for businesses everywhere. It helps simplify many processes in your store, including marketing. Most eCommerce platforms have some automation features. However, with Shopify Plus, you get advanced tools that let you automate many business operations.

For example, setting up rule-based discounts for customers is easy with Shopify Plus. You can offer discounts to different customer groups and set specific timelines for these discounts in your store.

Features of Shopify Plus make it easier to manage and grow your business with automation.


➇ Improve Your Online Store with AR, 3D, and Video Content

Engaging with customers is a key part of running a successful eCommerce business. Many shoppers today are used to advanced digital features like Augmented and Virtual Reality. Shopify Plus helps you use these technologies in your online store.

Big brands like IKEA use AR to make shopping easier and more fun for customers. With Shopify Plus, you can add AR and 3D to your product pages, making the shopping experience better. You can also use realistic videos to share your brand story with your audience.

Moreover, Shopify Plus provides tools to personalize these experiences. You can tailor AR and 3D content to match different customer preferences and needs, making their shopping journey more enjoyable and personalized. This not only boosts customer satisfaction but also increases the chances of repeat purchases and customer loyalty.

➈ Create Custom Workflows with Shopify Flow

Managing workflows for a large company can be tough. With Shopify Plus, you can easily handle complex workflows. Shopify Plus has a built-in tool called Shopify Flow for automation.

Shopify Flow lets you create custom workflows for your online business. These custom workflows help you organize your internal operations better. The condition-based builder is great for setting up automated workflows. You can even set actions to trigger custom workflows in your store.

One of the key features of Shopify Plus is its ability to adapt to your business needs. Whether you need to automate inventory management, order processing, or customer support, Shopify Plus provides the tools to make it happen. This flexibility ensures that your business runs smoothly and efficiently, allowing you to focus on growth and customer satisfaction.

➉ Create Custom Discounts with Shopify Scripts

Another great feature of Shopify Plus is Shopify Scripts. It helps you change how your online store interacts with customers during checkout. With this tool, you can try different pricing models.

Shopify Scripts lets you create these pricing models based on data, like customer feedback from marketing campaigns. It’s also great for attracting new customers to your Shopify Plus store.

Additionally, it can offer rewards for big purchases or large cart values. You can create custom product bundles and market them to high-value customers. You can also try tiered pricing and minimum-value discounts with Shopify Scripts.

Why Choose Shopify Plus for Your Large eCommerce Business?

There are many reasons to choose Shopify Plus for your large eCommerce business. The features mentioned above can convince you to consider Shopify website development services.

Shopify Plus offers great scalability and advanced features like managing multiple stores, making it one of the best eCommerce platforms for large businesses. It also provides various tools to make switching to its platform smooth and easy.

Businesses need to understand their growth potential early and prepare for it. Shopify Plus features make it the best and easiest way for a growing enterprise to offer a memorable shopping experience to customers.

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